On June 30, The Massachusetts’ House of Representatives and Senate created a new education and awareness program dedicated to prostate cancer.

[ultimate_spacer height=”8″] On June 30, The Massachusetts’ House of Representatives and Senate created a new education and awareness program dedicated to prostate cancer. The $500,000 campaign, contained in the conference committee report of the FY15 budget, is aimed at saving lives, improving quality of life, and reducing health care costs. This program will be managed…

Massachusetts Legislators Approve Key Funding for Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign

BOSTON, MA, June 30, 2014—The Massachusetts’ House of Representatives and Senate today placed the state in a national leadership position by creating a new education and awareness program dedicated to prostate cancer. The $500,000 campaign, contained in the conference committee report of the FY15 budget, is aimed at saving lives, improving quality of life, and reducing health care costs. This program will be managed by the Department of Public Health and uniquely focused on men with African American roots, family history and other individuals at high risk of lethal prostate cancer.

Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Blog

Organized by the AdMeTech Foundation in cooperation with the Massachusetts Prostate Cancer Coalition and Men of Color Health Awareness Project, Prostate Cancer Awareness Day highlights our common goal to make Massachusetts a model of national leadership in prostate cancer research, education, and awareness resulting in improved patient care. After skin cancer, prostate cancer is the…

Prostate Cancer Awareness Day at the MA State House

[heading title_size=”title-size-small” text_align=”center” text_color_custom=”#ffffff” icon_type=”noicon” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” icon_color_border=”#dbdbdb” icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″]Prostate Cancer Awareness Day[/heading] [ultimate_spacer] By Colleen Quinn June 20, 2014 Prostate cancer discriminates, Mayor Martin J. Walsh of Boston told a crowd at the State House gathered Thursday to increase awareness of the disease that kills nearly 30,000 American men each year.…

“Prostate cancer discriminates”, Mayor Martin J. Walsh of Boston told a crowd at the State House…

[ultimate_spacer height=”10″] Prostate cancer discriminates, Mayor Martin J. Walsh of Boston told a crowd at the State House gathered Thursday to increase awareness of the disease that kills nearly 30,000 American men each year. African-American men are 60 percent more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 250 times more likely to die from…

Politicians across the aisle put aside their differences for the sixth annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Day at the State House

[ultimate_spacer][ultimate_spacer height=”10″] Politicians across the aisle put aside their differences for the sixth annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Day at the State House in order to promote the education and prevention of prostate cancer. The event, sponsored by the AdMeTech Foundation, highlighted the critical importance of early detection and efforts to improve screening of prostate cancer,…

AdMeTech Foundation hosted the state’s sixth annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Day June 19

[ultimate_spacer height=”8″] BOSTON – In a full-court press effort to highlight the critical importance of early detection of prostate cancer, AdMeTech Foundation hosted the state’s sixth annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Day June 19, bringing together House Speaker Robert DeLeo, Senate President Therese Murray, Boston Mayor Martin Walsh, Public Health Commissioner Cheryl Bartlett, Marathon legend and…

House Speaker DeLeo, Senate President Murray, Mayor Walsh, Survivor and Marathon Icon Bill Rodgers, Medical Experts, All Join Forces to Boost Prostate Cancer Awareness

WE ALL AGREE: House Speaker DeLeo, Senate President Murray, Mayor Walsh,  Survivor and Marathon Icon Bill Rodgers, Medical Experts, All Join Forces to Boost Prostate Cancer Awareness BOSTON, MA, June 19, 2014—In a full-court press effort tohighlight the critical importance of early detection of prostate cancer, AdMeTech Foundation today hosted the state’s 6th Annual Prostate Cancer Awareness…

in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime

[heading title_size=”title-size-small” text_align=”center” text_color_custom=”#ffffff” icon_type=”noicon” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” icon_color_border=”#dbdbdb” icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″]Prostate Cancer Awareness Day[/heading] [ultimate_spacer height=”10″] BOSTON (WWLP) – One in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. The problem is so widespread that one American will die from complications from prostate cancer every 18 minutes. Daunting statistics like…

AdMeTech Foundation’s 6th Annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Day

[ultimate_spacer height=”10″] Mayor Walsh joins Senate President Therese Murray, speaker of the house Robert DeLeo, Marathon legend Bill Rodgers, and Boston media icon Susan Wornick in kicking off the AdMeTech Foundation’s 6th Annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Day. All expressed concern that Prostate cancer discriminates against African American men. See Video.