U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings Introduce Historic $180 Million Authorization Bill

Prostate Cancer Detection Research and Education Act Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Representative Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) introduced the AdMeTech-driven bipartisan Prostate Cancer Detection Research and Education Act, in order to authorize $180M in federal funding for research and education to improve early detection of prostate cancer. 

Senator Boxer (D-CA) and Rep. Cummings (D-MD) Introduce Historic Legislation to Promote Prostate Cancer Research

U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) have introduced groundbreaking legislation authorizing $180 million in new federal spending for improved early detection of prostate cancer, a health care epidemic which now strikes an American man every 2.5 minutes and claims the life of an American man every 16 minutes. Moreover, African American…

US Senator John Kerry Leads Unanimous Passage of Legislation in US Senate Press Release June 14, 2012

[heading title_size=”title-size-small” text_align=”center” text_color_custom=”#ffffff” icon_type=”noicon” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” icon_color_border=”#dbdbdb” icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″]PRIME Act[/heading] Senator John Kerry (D-MA) led introduction and passage of the bipartisan AdMeTech-advocated Prostate Cancer Resolution (SR 493), which acknowledged prostate cancer in African American men as a health care crisis and urged Federal agencies to support research for the advancement of…