Abstract Submission Deadline: July, 31, 2020



Poster Competition Rules

Deadline:  All Abstracts are due electronically by July, 31 2020.

Body of the abstract should be organized by the categories listed below:

  • Title
  • Authors and organizational affiliations  (with email for contact author)
  • Introduction and objective
  • Specific aims
  • Rationale and background
  • Methods and materials
  • Results
  • Discussion and conclusion
  • References (optional)

References Format

If there are citations, list references numerically at the end of the abstract in the order by which they were cited in the text.

Example: Cooperberg, MR, Broering, JM, Carroll PR, et. al. Time trends and local variation in primary treatment of localized prostate cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 2010 (28): 1117-1123.

Length, Font, and Format

The abstract should not exceed one page (single spaced). Use font no smaller than “Times New Roman 12” or “Arial 11”, and margins of at least 0.5 in.

General Content and Guidelines

  1. The content may not promote the proprietary interests of any commercial entity. Evident bias in favor of a particular product or company is grounds for rejection.
  2. Content must be restricted to pure science, technology, methodology, materials and/or operational characteristics of devices. Product and company names should be included only to identify the technology or methodology used, but not to promote proprietary interests.
  3. All research must conform to generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.

Review Criteria

  1. Is this research novel?
  2. Does this research advance knowledge, and/or improve diagnostic information and/or capabilities?
  3. Does it produce new data or analysis of interest and relevance to the research or clinical community?
  4. Is the data substantive and not just implied? Does it describe a research accomplishment, rather than work yet to be done?
  5. Is comprehensive statistical analysis relevant and applied?
  6. Are recommendations involving clinical medicine based on evidence that is accepted as adequate justification for indications and contraindications in patient care?
  7. What is the impact factor of this work? The abstract should address how the proposed study is expected to impact research or patient care.
  8. Is the abstract biased in favor of a particular product or company? Evident bias is grounds for rejection. (Use of a particular company’s products or equipment does not represent bias. Non-data- based statements of comparative superiority, however, would be considered biased.)

Poster Presentation

If your abstract is selected, your poster will be displayed in the poster hall. You will be required to be present during your assigned poster session. We require a traditional size of the printed research posters – 48″ x 36”, with a vertical orientation.

All posters must be mounted on foam and will be displayed on standard easels (which will be provided). 

Failure to Present

Submission of an abstract is considered a commitment to present the poster if it is accepted. Failure to present a poster may jeopardize future submissions by the same author.


Please send abstract in a PDF format to faina.shtern@admetechfoundation.org with the Subject Line “2020 Summit – Abstract for Poster Contest” by July 31, 2020.