Summit Hotel Reservations at a Discounted Group Rate.

Logistical Hotel information for your consideration: 

  1. Sheraton Boston and Hilton Boston Back Bay hotels are located immediately next to each other.

  2. Sheraton Boston rooms are available primarily on October 12-14, 2017, with very limited availability on October 11.

  3. Hilton Boston Back Bay rooms are available on October 11-14, 2017

Sheraton Boston (Available October 12-14, 2017)
39 Dalton St, Boston, MA, 02199  Tel: (617) 236-2000

The original room block was oversold. Discounted group rate is available for additional limited number of rooms until September 18, 2017.

Reservations By Phone: Contact Reservation’s Center at 1.888.627.7054 and give the group code ‘AJ09AH’ and give the hotel name (Sheraton Boston Hotel) for easy access to your group block.

If you have any issues making a reservation please contact Kirsten Wagner, Sheraton Meeting and Event Manager at 617.236.6051 or

Hilton Boston Back Bay (Available October 11-14, 2017)
40 Dalton St, Boston, MA, 02115  Tel: (617) 236-1100

Discounted group rate is available until September 18, 2017.

Group Name: ADME Tech Foundation

If you have any issues making a reservation please contact Angad Dumra, Hilton Meeting and Event Manager at 617.867.6087 or